Home > For Designers > Streams > Stream Details > Stream Definition

Stream Definition

While viewing a Stream, the Stream Definition tab shows the stream's components:

  1. Process - The process that runs during the lifecycle of a stream record, from submission to completion.
  2. Stream Record and Child Records - Records hold data for a single instantiation (instance) of the stream. They are like database tables, but with the ability to nest inside one another to create a complete data envelope.
  3. Forms  - Forms are used to present information to users, and collect information from them. Every stream must have at least one form.
  4. Roles - Roles represent groups of people. The role definition can be static (naming specific individuals) or dynamic (determined by selection criteria). Roles are used for allocating tasks to people.
  5. Stages and Escalations - The stages that stream processing is divided into, and escalations that need to occur if progress does not occur in a timely manner.
  6. Documents and Templates - Re-usable documents that are attached to the stream, and templates for documents that can be generated from record data.
  7. Email Templates  - Email Templates are used to send messages to participants.


Stream Locks and Versions
Stream Settings
Process Definition
Data Components
Sub Forms
Stages and Escalations
Email Templates