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Field Types

These are the types that can be present in a Stream Record and Child Records. The nature of user interactions with any given field depends on its type, as does the nature of the options available when specifying Filtering Criteria (selection criteria) in a report or a custom view.






Number with Decimals









Child Data List

File Attachments

Image Attachments



Auto Number


Smart Object

Number Formula

Text Formula












Generally used to store information like Employee name or employee number. A text field can be designated as 'encrypted', if it stores sensitive information.


When included in a form, the field can be specified as a



Stores a phone number that can be used to send a text message.

Phone number fields are automatically validated for proper format.


Stores a list of one or more comma-separated email addresses.

Email addresses are automatically validated for proper format.


Used for storing age, number of employees, number of files, etc.

Number with Decimals

Used for storing percentages, area, length, and other decimal amounts.


Stores an amount with two decimal places.


Stores a yes/no value. Represented as a checkbox in forms.


Used to store a value chosen from one of the pre-defined values for this field. Such as Employee Type (Temp or Permanent).

Each item in the Enumeration list has two parts:

     Label - What user sees

     Value - The value this stored for the user's choice

When displayed in a form:

     - The field displays a drop-down list of item labels.
     - The value corresponding to the user's choice is stored in the field.

     - The list can be designated as either single-select or multi-select.

        (A single-select list appears as radio buttons. A multi-select list 
         appears as a set of checkboxes.)
     - The default value can be specified.

When defining the field, it is also possible to allow user preferences.
When the option to Support User Preference is set, users see an additional option in their Personal Menu settings that lets them choose their default value for this field.



A Checklist field is like an enumeration field with additional options. Each option has an additional configuration to show a way to add photos, write notes, and create a corrective action. this field is specially designed for audits, inspections, and assessments.


Stores a date. In form, a calendar appears to choose a date from.


Stores both a date and a time.


Stores a time.

Child Data List

Stores embedded data records. It is designed for use in scenarios where a master record has multiple child records.


For Example, when storing incident information, there will be a document called incident. There may be an additional document called 'Witness', that stores information related to a single witness. Since an incident can have one or more witnesses, A document list field titled 'Witnesses' will be created in the Incident document, to contain a list of 'Witness' records.


Another example is Expenses. If an Expense tracking stream is being created, there would be a Line Item record type, and the Expense Document would contain a list of Line Items.


When you create a Child Data List field, you specify optional selection criteria for the data records to include, the field to sort on, and the sort order (ascending or descending).

File Attachments

Stores one or more uploaded files, where the number that can be uploaded is specified when the field is added to a form.

Word documents are treated as templates, so variable placeholders are replaced by live data.

Image Attachments

Stores an image. When it appears in a form, the field can be specified as being used for a photo, a sketch, or a signature. The Sketch Pad display type is useful in mobile devices and tablets. When a diagram is added to the field, the user can draw on the image in a mobile device. Used in Incident Management system, for example, to show diagrams of the shop floor, so the user to mark the areas of damage.


Stores a User present in the system.


Stores a Role defined in the stream.

Auto Number

Stores a system-generated number that is automatically incremented with each used, in a specified format.


Displays the result of combining values stored in embedded documents. For example, to display the total value of the Line Items in an Expense Report. Can also be used to display an average, maximum, minimum, or a simple count of embedded documents.

Smart Object

Smart Objects hold master data such as a list of clients, a list of facilities, and so on. Think of it as a "local database" of reference information. In the document, this field stores a reference to a smart object record that is interactively selected by the user.


For example if you are storing incidents. You may have a smart object containing all facilities. If an incident has occurred at a facility, the incident can be linked to that facility using a smart object field. The document has a field of type "Smart Object" that points to Facilities. The end user then selects a particular facility when creating the incident record.


Like Enumeration fields, Smart Object fields support user preferences, allowing each user to choose their default value for the field.


One special Smart Object is the Groups object. By default, a record belongs to the user's group. But the group can also be specified, by adding a Smart Object field for Groups to a document, and displaying it in the form the user fills out.
Learn more: Groups and Group Membership


Number Formula

Stores an expression built up from values in other fields, constants, and operators. Displays the result of evaluating the expression.

Text Formula

Stores an expression built up from values in other fields and Text "literals" (constants, in other words). Displays the result of evaluating the expression.