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Process Corrective Actions

Corrective Actions are typically noted in an internal inspection, audit, or inspection. They detail the kinds of actions which need to take place to remedy an undesirable situation, and cause a task to be assigned to the user who needs to perform the action.


To process corrective actions, you start by creating Checklist fields in the stream data, and make sure they appear in the stream's form(s). Those fields include a Corrective Action option that was specifically designed for audits, inspections, and assessments. Typically, the field will have a label like "Corrective Action Needed?", and it will be set so that when the user clicks "Yes", the fields to write notes, upload images appear, along with the option "Create Corrective Action".


Then, in the process definition for that stream, you add a step to Trigger Corrective Action Tasks. When that step, any checklist field for which the option "Create Corrective Action" was checked causes a Task to be created and assigned to the task owner.


In that process step, you can specify  the owner of the corrective action. That owner can be a user present in the system, a user designated by a User field in the stream data, or one designated by a User field in a Smart Object--for example, the object that holds your Client database. Because a database of the kind designates external users, the special "user" field, Corrective Action Owner, is used for that purpose. When corrective-action tasks are assigned to such users, they are given guest-level access to complete those tasks--which allows internal users to be notify when those actions are taken.


To determine the owner of the task: