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Get Signatures on Documents

Documents can be sent for legally-binding signatures using the DocuSign or EchoSign services, each of which is fully integrated with Pulpstream. Documents can be sent via email, or they can be sent in such a way that the recipient signs the document directly in the application--even if the recipient is not a registered user in the system. (They are given Guest-user access for the duration of the signing step.) It is even possible to send the same documents to multiple recipients, to get signatures from all concerned parties.


Sometimes, you don't really need a legally-binding signature, but you  just need to capture some form of
acknowledgement--for example, to indicate that a package has been received. In such cases, you can use
an Image field to get an acknowledgement signature


​How it Works

Let's say you have 3 documents that need signatures. You prepare the documents for signing, as described below, upload them to the stream, and configure the process to get signatures, in either a User Task step  or a Send Documents for Signature process step. (It is also possible to store documents to be signed in a data component field, but the more usual practice is to upload them to the stream.)


When that process step is reached, Pulpstream sends the documents to the DocuSign or EchoSign service configured in your Company Information settings. The service packages them into a single PDF and gets signatures from the person the were intended for. Once signed, the signing provider returns the documents to Pulpstream. They are then stored in the field identified for the purpose in the process step, and processing continues with the next step in the process flow.


Preparing a Document for Signing

​To be processed by the eSign provider, documents need special signature fields that act as placeholders for the locations to sign.

  1. For DocuSign, insert the text _pulpSigner1
  2. For EchoSign, insert the text {{_es_:signer1:signature}}
  3. Make the inserted text white to match the background color, so it is not visible when the document is displayed.
    (To view it when editing the document, select the area with the cursor. The text will be highlighted.)
  4. As a general rule, put the signature on a line by itself.
    On the line below that, use underscores to create a "signature line" and,
    below that, indicate who is to do the signing.
    For example:

     ...signatureField here...
    Employee Signature

Getting Signatures

Use these mechanisms to get the documents signed: