Company Info
This option appears if you have the appropriate permissions.
Use it to record details of your organization, to set policies for user interactions with the system, and to set up authentication for external systems that Pulpstream can integrate with--systems like, EchoSign, and DocuSign.
To modify company information:
Password Policy
Use this tab to set up your organization's password policy, to make as Textent or lenient as you need it to be.
Single Sign-On
These settings configure interaction with an external authentication service that allows a user to log in one time to access to a suite of applications. Once configured, Pulpstream becomes one of those applications.
Learn more: Setting Up Single Sign-On
Integrations:, EchoSign, DocuSign
EchoSign and DocuSign are secure document-signature services. is a full-service contact-management database system.
In these tabs, you set up the authentication steps that allow Pulpstream to integrate with those systems. (With the authentication steps in a place, designer can access them as stream records are processed.)