Home > For HR > Leave of Absence (LoA) > Customizing the LoA Solution

Customizing the LoA Solution

Pulpstream's HR solutions can be customized to fit your needs. The possible customizations fall into several categories:

Personalizing Letters

As you saw when Reviewing a Leave Request, the Email Personalization option lets you modify the eligibility letter that goes out to an employee. (That option can be especially important to cushion the blow when eligibility is denied.)


You can also choose to Review Letters Before Sending. That option creates a review task for every letter that goes to the employee, so you can modify it or add a personal note before it goes out. 

Additional Text for Letters

As valuable as personalization is, there are some things that need to be added to all outgoing letters. Pulpstream's HR solutions provide a number of Mail Merge variables for that purpose.


To get to them, from the Main Gear icon choose Account Management. Then, under the Company Info tab, go to the Mail Merge tab. That tab contains a column of mail-merge variables in the left-side column, with their corresponding values in the right-side column. The text defined for those variables is inserted into the letters that are sent out. 


The text-segment variables you need to know about are:

In general, Company Text will be last in a letter, with the other text segments just above it. To edit them, you'll need the appropriate privileges. (Contact your administrator.) Then use the instructions below to make changes, paying particular attention to the CAUTIONary note.

CAUTION: Avoid changing these:

In general, avoid change any sequence of text that starts with "$!" or #, and you'll be fine. (But to be sure, create a test record as explained in FAQ #20 and verify that what you get is what you expected.)

Test Your Changes

After changing a variable, click the green check-mark at the end of the line to make sure the variable substitutions work. You will be promoted to choose a test record. When you do, you'll see see how the message looks with the substitutions in place.

Documents and Attachments

Pulpstream HR solutions provide with an initial set of email templates and documents that can be included as attachments (or printed and sent via certified post). Naturally, government-mandated documents cannot be modified, but all of the outgoing letters and lists of attached documents supplied by Pulpstream can be modified.

To make a change, you first select what you want to modify (letter or document, for example), and then choose the organizational group the change applies to. (Groups are defined by organization. A change made to the Headquarters group applies everywhere, while a change made to group that reflects a geographic region New York would apply only to employees who belong to that group.)


Groups can be defined using any criteria your organization needs. Geography is just an example. Learn more: Groups


From the Home page, open the Organization menu and select what you want to modify:

Process Forms

Pulpstream HR solutions are built around processes. The benefits of that approach are described in Process Automation (and why it matters)But while the Leave of Absence (LoA) process may differ from one organization to the next, similar organizations tend to use similar processes.


For example, the LoA process for hourly employees may require additional information, compared to salaried employees.  In the Pulpstream HR LoA solution, that difference becomes a change to the Leave Request form that can easily be turned on or off.


To make that change, go to Main Gear Icon > Account Management > Company Info > Mail Merge

There, you see a list of variables. On the left are the Titles of those variables. On the right are their Values.


As you saw earlier, those values are generally inserted into a document or email, replacing variables that act as placeholders in the document/email templates. That process is known as merging, so the title of the tab is Mail Merge.


But that page does define variables, and variables have other uses. In particular, variables can be used to control processes, as well supply data for them. Here, the variable titled Employee Schedule in Request Form has the value "Yes" or "No". It's value determines whether or not the number of hours worked for each day of the week appears at the end of the Leave Request form (as described in Filling Out the LoA Request Form).

Additional Process Modifications

In addition to the foregoing customization options, it is also possible to modify process stream in other ways:

These changes require modifying the process stream itself, so they can only be performed by qualified personnel. For more information, contact your Pulpstream representative.​