Home > For HR > Leave of Absence (LoA) > Leave of Absence FAQ > 20. Create a (dummy) employee record for testing

20. Create a (dummy) employee record for testing

How can I create a "dummy" employee record for testing?


If the system has been in use for a while, you may want to check with someone to see if a test record has already been created. To create a new test record: From the Home tab, go to Organization > Employees. Click New, and add data for the new employee.


In the Employee Information section:

Using your email address for testing is a great strategy. But if your organization has licensed the Employee Self Service Portal, be sure change the address to one that doesn't exist when you're done testing, as the duplicate address will make it impossible for the system to recognize you when you attempt to log in to the portal. (Currently, you can only log into the Employee Self Service portal with an email address. If that changes, disregard this note--and please alert us to remove it. :_)