Home > For HR > Leave of Absence (LoA) > Leave of Absence FAQ

Leave of Absence FAQ

These pages answer frequently asked questions that come up when administering a leave in Pulpstream.



1. Open a leave record
2. Change leave status
3. Cancel a leave request
4. Fix an incorrect leave designation
5. Employee returned early.
6. Reason for leave has changed
7. Unable to change Designation or Certificate Status
8. Leaves in progress when Pulpstream launched
9. Employee wants to cancel a request
10. Employee certification arrived in email
11. Leave was approved but certificate is pending
12. Warning: Employee email doesn't match...
13. Where can I find the link to the LoA request form?
14. Initiate LoA request for an employee
15. Access audit log for a LoA process record
16. Get a link to a LoA process record
17. Add emails and their attachments to a process record
18. Make sure my data record display is up to date
19. How do I print a process record?
20. Create a (dummy) employee record for testing
21. Send certification documents without email
22. Add text to an employee's eligibility letter
23. Resend documents to an employee
24. Find document-upload link
25. Employee's hours-out records
26. See if employee received their email
27. Overlapping intermittent and continuous leave requests
28. Combining time off, reduced schedule, and intermittent absence
29. Error: LOA received with unmatched information