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View Tasks

The Tasks tab lets you view collections of tabs. Right from the start, the sidebar options provide a variety of ways to selectively view tasks you're interested in. (The default view is Due today, which shows tasks for which the due date is now.) In addition, you can use the options under the gear icon to create bookmark folders and custom views. (Those things work because each task is another record in the system, and the Tasks views are just different ways to select records for viewing.)



Task Colors

Tasks appear with these color combinations: 

  1. Black text/ White background - The task has been assigned to you and it is due today or in future
  2. Black text/ Blue background - Thie task has multiple possible owners and any one of them can complete or claim the task. You can click on the gear icon to claim the task. When you claim the task, it stops appearing as a claimable task in the views of other potential owners. (After claiming a task, you can release it using the gear icon option.  It then appears once again in the views of other potential owners.
  3. Dark Red text/ Light Red background - The task is overdue. (It can either be an unclaimed task or one that was assigned to you.)