Home > For HR > Leave of Absence (LoA) > Leave of Absence FAQ > 8. Leaves in progress when Pulpstream launched

8. Leaves in progress when Pulpstream launched

What do I do with leaves that were in progress when the Pulpstream LoA solution launched?


When the Pulpstream LoA solution was launched, your organization mostly likely had some leaves in progress. For each of them, Pulpstream created LoA process records for you so it would be easy to get started. The question now is what to do with them!


Here are the steps to follow:

  1. From Organization > Employees or from the Home page Leaves tab,
    open the Leave record for the employee in question.

  2. Change the leave status to Review Decision.
    Pulpstream then creates a task for you: Review Leave Request.
  3. From the Home page Tasks tab, open the task and Start the review.

If you already have the employee's certification documents, perform the following additional steps: 

  1. Set the Leave Status to Approved (since you already have the certification document).
  2. Scroll down and set Certification Status to Received
  3. Use the Add File button at the bottom of the section to upload the certification document. 

When you're done, the system will generate the leave-designation letter and send it to you for review, if you chose the option to Review Letters Before Sending. (Otherwise, the leave-designation letter will go out automatically.)
You can remove attachments when you review that letter, but the letter itself will always be sent. So, in this case, the employee will get a second designation-letter similar to one you've already sent.