Home > For HR > Leave of Absence (LoA) > Leave of Absence FAQ > 28. Combining time off, reduced schedule, and intermittent absence

28. Combining time off, reduced schedule, and intermittent absence

An employee is going on leave for surgery. They'll be absent for several days, after which they'll need a reduced work schedule and additional time off for physical therapy. How do I handle this situation?

  1. The leave request should be for a Intermittent leave to cover days absent for surgery.
  2. When reviewing the request, after determining eligibility and certification type, go to the Intermittent Certification Details section at the end and choose Reduced Work Schedule and Treatment.
  3. The Off Days and Reduced Work Schedule section appears. In that section, add an entry for the initial number of days off, then entries for the reduced work schedule.
  4. Below that, specify frequency and duration for any ongoing Treatments that will be needed